What happens in WandaVision epiode 5 ?, is Vision alive or not ?

WandaVision is a miniseries by Marvel Studios and distributor partner Disney +.WandaVision now gets the new episode [ episode 5], "On a Very Special Episode".

The story was carried on as the 1980s scenes, Where Wanda and Vision were trying to stop Billy and Tom from crying. But Wanda's mentally disturbed mind suddenly replaces Tom and Billy at age 5, The director of SWORD supervised all situations outside Westview City, And he also calls Wanda a criminal

During the Vandavision series, questions are raised, for example, people were asking whether the vision in this series was actually real.

So for the Marvel fan, the director of SWORD, "Tyler Hayward", who knows that Wanda had recently stolen Vision's body from S.W.O.R.D. Headquarters and revived it,

As we know in recent episodes WandaVision where Wanda creates her own world, but Vision was able to create his own mentally with his own will and he starts finding some answer. Vision reads an email from Agents and He knows about everything going on in Westview

Along with SWORD, the agents send a drone to kill Wanda. She destroys the drone and warns Hayward to leave her alone. She also says that not everything is under her control. and she also not know when it was started.

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